Saturday, August 1, 2009

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

and he has a couple of tiny blood spots on the part where there isn't any hair. Any ideas what he might have wrong with him?

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

Your cat needs to see a vet. It could be hot spots, mites or one fo the two types of mange. One of the types of mange is a parasite, kindof like cat scabies - don't worry, they can't infect you but they are no fun at all for the cat. None of these things will go away without being treated.

It does sound like it's a simple fix for the vet. Think of how much more comfortable your cat will be, and of the peace of mind you will have. It only costs as much as a nice dinner out to take your pet to the vet.

Best wishes!

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

Probably mange. It's a skin disease and you need to see your vet. It's more common in dogs but still possible in cats. I saw a cat that looked like that a couple weeks ago and looked it up.

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

I would suggest taking your cat in to see a veternarian. However, if you can't do that immediately and your still worried, the cat may have ear mites. I recently found some drops at Walmart for $4 that you could try for the scratching. If it's an outside cat then he could have gotten into a cat fight :)

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

Could be mange, could be a skin allergy. Take him to your vet. They can do a skin test and tell you what treatment options are available.

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

He might have fleas or mites.

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

Could have ringworm.

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

might be ear mites or a bad case of flea's . best bet is talk to a vet .

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

You should take him to the docter or put some medicine on the bloody spot. If you take him to the docters, the docter will know what to do. Tell me if it worked! ~.~

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

Sounds like your cat has a bad allergy. The missing fur and blood spots are caused by excessive scratching/rubbing of these itchy areas. The skin in these areas may also be unusually warm. If you have a mild steroid cream that you use yourself you can apply some of this to the cat's skin (not too close to his eyes) to allow him a little relief until you can get an appointment to see the vet.

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

Because of where you describe the areas of missing hair I could guess ringworm which is a fungus. Cats can be carriers for up to 4 yrs, and can transmit ringworm with no sypmtoms. For mild cases use Lotrimin several times a day on the area for 4-6 weeks even if it looks like it is healing. Some ringworm types will glow under a black light.

If you are pg or might be use Lamasil instead. Either of the generics are fine.

A vet visit would be in order though to rule out earmites or fleas.

NEVER give you cat ANY over the counter meds especially from Wal-mart. They are too toxic and I can't tell you how many cats have died in our clinic from Hartz, Bio-Spot, or other cheap products.

Use Revolution-it kills earmites and fleas and labeled for killing one type of mange in dogs. So off label would mostly work for the cat.

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

take him to the vet...sounds like bad allergies

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

He has fleas. Get him a flea collar and flea drops.

My cat has patches of hair missing above his eyes and on top of his ears and he is scratching alot?

I would try bathing your cat in a product called BasicH2 it is non toxic to cats and dogs also I would put her on Alfalfa. I have both my cat and dog on the Alfalfa and Bathing with Basic H2 and they both have beautiful coats. I would definately get him checked by a Vet first and then start using these products.

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